


That Time I Broke Into The Grand Hotel

Girl Are You Sonic the Hedgehog Because You Are Goin’ Fast

In the old SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog game there was a secret bonus level where you tried to obtain a Chaos Gem from containment while also trying to get as many rings as possible and not fall into a exit point – and of course the whole damn thing was spinning. Say hello to my favorite analogy for life:

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Ohana Means Family

So I have this group of friends, right, and when I say friends I literally mean cheesy sitcom How I Met Your Mother/Community/Parks and Recreation F.R.I.E.N.D.S. They’re fantastic, they’re like a second family to me-

-and they’re all moving.

It sounds cliche to say I expect us all to stay together as a group forever… but I sort of do. We came together quickly, and forged some weirdly deep bonds. None of us expected to be friends, myself the least. I didn’t want more friends (I know, it sounds horrible). I was perfectly content to slide through college with minimal fuss or fanfare.

Instead, a casual friend I made at the end of my sophomore year turned into a good friend, and wanted to introduce me to all the other ragtag, independent-minded, loner-types she somehow attracted to her. The first few times we all hung out, we were like a group of cats who have all taken up residence in the same area, but were too stubborn to acknowledge the other’s presence.

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The Highest Art Form

Art is many things; it’s words on a page, paint on a canvas. Art is the bright defiance of graffiti and the hesitant sketches of a student. The transporting works of literature that evoke love, heartbreak, friendship, magic, hatred, fear, determination, drama, and life-long lessons. Art is people moving on a screen, electing empathy and compassion with lights and actions. Music that arouses memories of lifelong love, favorite family members, late nights and college road trips. It’s the shared companionship in front of something beautiful and the inspiration sparked in someone when they experience a masterpiece for the first time.

My favorite art is food.

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Research these days…

Recently I’ve had a few different research papers that want me to have book sources, and I’m fine with that, nothing wrong with a solid book, but it’s gotten me thinking about how research is changed by the sources used. For example, my current research paper focuses on typography, but of course I made this harder than I needed to on myself by doing in on a font that is generally ignored by the professional world of typography, and roasted online.

(Yes, I’m writing a paper on Comic Sans. More specifically, the changes and impacts of Comic Sans Neue, a font recently developed using Comic Sans as a basis, but then “professionalized” and stripped of everything people hate about Comic Sans.)

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