There are a lot of ways I could define myself. I’m a Leo, born in the year of the dog, a cat-lover, an ENTJ, often split between the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses, a fervent Iron Man fan, and I’m probably a hipster (but I fight the term). I’ve been described as sassy, passionate, sarcastic, witty, intelligent, funny, and clever. I like to cook, travel, and read, and after a lot of hard work and dedication turned one of those into a career path.

I plan to go into the publishing field, and take my love of reading to the next level. I picked a small, random, poorly-named major called Professional Writing to study in college and never looked back. My love of reading sparked an interest in the process, and from there I’ve picked up workaholic tendencies, which I don’t mind, because it’s something I love to do.

Now, after years of studying and hands-on experience I have studied rhetoric, literature, writing, editing, content creation, audience, style, art, type, and even more.

It’s kind of like cooking; mix these ingredients and skills together in different ways, under different heats and stresses, and every time you get a different delicious dish. It’s a process, and better yet a process I enjoy.

So what is this blog?

Well, primarily it’s a place for me to put my thoughts. Thoughts that can’t fit into tweets, or would look out of place on other social networks (no one wants to see my travel-log on Facebook). This is a place where I talk about the other things I’m passionate about, a place for me to continue expanding my horizons.