In the old SEGA Sonic the Hedgehog game there was a secret bonus level where you tried to obtain a Chaos Gem from containment while also trying to get as many rings as possible and not fall into a exit point – and of course the whole damn thing was spinning. Say hello to my favorite analogy for life:

Right now is crunch time, and much like the bonus level, I’m not so much balancing plates as I am curled up in a fetal position trying to get as much as I can done before I either 1) fall into an exit or 2) succeed.

Just so you know, I’m going to succeed. I rarely don’t. Because as stressed and busy as I am, I’m also really good at being stressed and busy. I live for this shit. I love having things to do, and a tight deadline to do them on. I love the rush of doing well in less time, because I’m good at what I do.

So I guess, really, right now I’m not so much stressed as I am “in my element.” I’ve got a laundry list of things to write, research, design, and edit, all before the weekend, because then I’m going out of town and there’ll be no wi-fi.

Long story short, life is hard and weird and busy, but we’ll all get through it. Including myself. Sometimes you just gotta tell yourself that once in a while.